George Hicks High School Floor Repairs


General Information

The Government built the original school in 1981, by 2002 the high salt content of the concrete had rusted away the open web steel joist and metal deck suspended floor slabs. The decay was to the extent that the Structural Engineer recommended they be completely replaced.

The remediation involved the demolition of the existing upper floors and replacing with a 6” reinforced concrete slab. McAlpine used its Hylite Aluminum Soffit formwork system to form the slabs with the existing building and pour them through the windows of the upper floors. Once the concrete cured the vinyl tile was replaced. The process was undertaken over the summer vacation which did not interfere with the school calendar

Fast Facts

Client | Cayman Islands Government

Duration | 2002 to 2002

Location | Grand Cayman

Sector | Education

Contract Value | CI$65 thousand

Form of Contract | GC Works

Role | General Contractor